E78 Building Project Management Communities with David Barrett

Project Management Office Hours - A podcast by Joe Pusz


Everywhere we look we see the impact of Project Management. As the PM industry grows, a challenge we face now as project/program managers is how do we not get lost within the millions of practitioners and hundreds of associations and certifications around the world? As David Barrett has shown us several times, we can turn to smaller communities within the broader industry. Without a community, how might we navigate all this noise? “As a community we can assist each other to see that the faster and better you deliver: the more connected with the business and strategy through the project piece; this conveys the meaning of how important we are.” -David In this episode of Project Management Office Hours, David Barrett shares his story with us and the impact his communities have had within the project management industry. His newest community was born during the COVID pandemic as we isolated to our homes he found a way to keep us all connected with the launch of the project management video web site - ProjectBites.com. Be sure to visit ProjectBites to see 140+ short videos from industry leaders covering the full range of Project Management topics. To hear what David is working on next, listen to the full episode and subscribe to the podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/project-management-office-hours/id1398533604 Use CODE: PMOJoe to receive ProjectBites annual membership for only $20!Thank you to our sponsors The PMO Squad and The PMO Leader. Learn more:The PMO Squad - https://www.thepmosquad.comThe PMO Leader - https://www.thepmoleader.com