APM PPQ Provide visionary leadership for a project.

APM Project Management Training - A podcast by Parallel Project Management Training


1.1 Critically Evaluate Ethical, Flexible, Inspirational, and Collaborative Approaches to the Leadership of Others in Evolving Situations The discussion emphasises the multifaceted nature of leadership within the context of project management, highlighting the need for leaders to exhibit ethical, flexible, inspirational, and collaborative behaviors. Ethical leadership involves openness, honesty, and integrity, ensuring transparency and trust within the team. Flexibility in leadership styles is crucial to adapt to varying team and stakeholder needs, fostering an environment where the project manager's approach evolves based on situational demands. Inspirational leadership focuses on motivating and encouraging team members towards achieving project goals, cultivating a sense of purpose and commitment. Collaborative leadership underlines the importance of engaging with the team in problem-solving and decision-making processes, promoting inclusivity and collective ownership of project outcomes. 1.2 Critically Analyse Ways in Which to Engage with a Diverse Range of Individuals and Teams to Agree Aims and Objectives Which Are Aligned to a Project’s Strategic Goals Effective engagement with a diverse team is central to aligning individual tasks and broader project objectives. This involves utilizing tools like RACI charts to clarify roles and responsibilities, ensuring everyone understands their contribution to the project’s success. The approach requires analysing different methods of engagement, identifying the pros and cons to tailor communication and leadership strategies that resonate with varied team dynamics. This segment also stresses the significance of establishing clear, tangible goals that are communicated effectively, fostering an environment where every team member is bought into the vision and motivated to contribute to the strategic objectives. 1.3 Critically Evaluate Environments Which Encourage and Sustain Empowered and High-Performance Teams Creating an environment conducive to high performance and empowerment involves considering both the physical and cultural aspects of the workplace. This includes decisions on co-location versus virtual collaboration, which hinges on the nature of the team and project requirements. The importance of daily or regular check-ins, such as agile stand-ups, is highlighted as a means to foster communication and accountability. The discussion also touches on the significance of the project manager's role in setting up structures that facilitate performance, including the strategic use of work package descriptions and ensuring alignment with the project's objectives. Lastly, it mentions the need for a supportive culture that encourages innovation, responsibility, and collaborative problem-solving, enabling teams to thrive regardless of their geographical distribution