APMP 6th Edition Information Management

APM Project Management Training - A podcast by Parallel Project Management Training


In this podcast is about information management. Project generate masses of informations. In this podcast we explore the different types of project information and how they can be stored and distributed during the project. This includes the preparation of an information management plan for the project. Its this important? Well think about how much time you spend trying to find the right information for your project. The APMP assessment criteria covered in this podcast include

  • 10.7 explain the purpose of the project management plan and its importance throughout the project life cycle,
  • 10.8 describe the typical contents of a project management plan,
  • 10.9 outline the authorship, approval and audience of a project management plan

This podcast is just part of the parallel learning system for the APM Project Management qualification (APMP). This approach includes a wide range of learning resources included a printed study guide, on-line e-learning, a tutor lead study group and a wide range of project management courses