APMP 6th Edition Project Communication

APM Project Management Training - A podcast by Parallel Project Management Training


In this podcast is about project communications. Communications is one of the most important areas for project managers. A bit of pllaning can make a siginifacnt difference to the way in which communications are recieved and understood by the key stakeholders in the project. The APMP assessment criteria covered in this podcast include

  • 7.1 describe the key contents of a project communication plan,
  • 7.2 explain the benefits of a project communication plan,
  • 7.3 explain the importance of effective communication in managing different stakeholders,
  • 7.4 identify factors which can positively or negatively affect communication

This podcast is just part of the parallel learning system for the APM Project Management qualification (APMP). This approach includes a wide range of learning resources included a printed study guide, on-line e-learning, a tutor lead study group and a wide range of project management courses