Podcast 613 – “Iboga and Ibogaine”

Psychedelic Salon - A podcast by Lorenzo Hagerty - Mondays


Support Lorenzo on Patreon.com Guest speakers: Levi Barker and Gary Cook PROGRAM NOTES: Date this lecture was recorded: July 1, 2019 Today's podcast features a recording from last week's live Monday night salon. Our guests were Levi Barker and Gary Cook who called in from the Iboga Wellness Center in Costa Rica. Levi Barker is a trained Iboga Provider in the Missoka Bwiti tradition and was trained to serve the medicine by Tenth Generation Bwiti Shaman Moughenda Mikala. The Iboga Wellness Center was founded by Gary Cook, and it is the longest-running shamanic Iboga retreat center in the Western Hemisphere. One of the topics we discuss concerns the different ways in which the plant iboga is used in healing compared with ways in which ibogaine, one of eleven active alkaloids in iboga, is used to heal opoid and other addictions. Download MP3 PCs – Right click, select option Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option Levi Barker website Iboga Retreat In Costa Rica Download free copies of Lorenzo's latest books