Podcast 622 – “Nirvana Is Where You Are”

Psychedelic Salon - A podcast by Lorenzo Hagerty


Support Lorenzo on Patreon.com Guest speaker: Alan Watts Alan Watts PROGRAM NOTES: [NOTE: All quotations are by Alan Watts.] "The Bodhisattva returns into the world, that means he has discovered that you don't have to go anywhere to find Nirvana. Nirvana is where you are, provided you don't object to it." "But the main thing [about death] is the attitude that death is as positive as birth and should be a matter for rejoicing because death is the symbol of the liberation." "The ordinary world and the Nirvana world they are the same worlds. But what makes the difference is the point of view." "Everything you know is remembered." "Always surround death with joyous rites because this is an opportunity for the greatest of all experiences when you can finally let go because you know there's nothing else to do." Download MP3 PCs – Right click, select option Macs – Ctrl-Click, select option The Imperfectionists Download free copies of Lorenzo's latest books