#15 Jordan Langston - The Art of Selling

Psychology of Success - A podcast by Kaden Terry


They say that to become professional in any one thing, you need to spend at least 10,000 hours before you truly become a pro. Jordan Langston has been selling door-to-door for a total of 10 years now. Jordan has put a combined total of almost exactly 10,000 hours (to date) into knocking doors in his career thus far. After his 4th year in the business, him and a couple of his buddies from high school opened a branch with the company Ecoshield in California, and another in Maryland. They put on a combined 10,000 accounts on in those two branches. Now 8 years in pest control, Jordan has ventured to open his own pest control business. Be on the watch for Green Defense Pest Control as he continues to grow his business!