How To Keep A Positive Attitude When Everything Is Going Wrong

Pulling Back the Curtain - A podcast by Natalie Hodson


Those who know me closely know that I am still very much a “pen and paper” person. When I have an idea or something I need to pull out of my head or remember, I have to write it down....not type it out. I’m not really sure why I have that weird quirk, but it is what works best for me. Every podcast I record for you guys, I usually write out 3-4 pages of notes and heartfelt ideas beforehand so that I don’t have “squirrel! Shiny object” syndrome when I’m talking on the podcast. I just released a podcast today talking about my crazy mountain adventure from this weekend, how to stay positive when things go wrong, and how the REGULAR practice of choosing to stay positive is what will take you further in your life than almost any other daily routine. There are only two things in your life you truly have the ability to control: your attitude and your effort. In this podcast, I’m also giving practical tips for learning HOW to choose to stay positive when that doesn’t feel easy or natural to you. Hope you love it and can laugh with me at some of the crazy stories I share.