I Lost A Baby...

Pulling Back the Curtain - A podcast by Natalie Hodson


A few years ago I went through one of the most painful and emotional experiences of my life.  I had an ectopic pregnancy and lost a baby that I wanted so badly. I released a podcast today where I talk about my experience, tell the entire story of what happened, the ambulance ride, the emergency surgery they had to perform, how I lost a fallopian tube, and the emotional roller coaster that I experienced afterwards.Miscarriage is something I completely misunderstood….until I went through it myself.  This is embarrassing to admit, but I used to remember thinking (when I heard about other women having miscarriages), “well...that’s sad but not as sad as if they lost a REAL baby”.  I now know that the experiences are completely different, but I was so naive back then to how hard the experience really is for a mother. In this podcast I talk about:-My own story and experience-How I went from sad and angry, to thankful, back to sad and angry and feelings of “not fair” -What my recovery from the surgery was like (might be a bit TMI)-How my husband (now ex-husband) handled things differently than I did-The feelings of hatred I had towards my body for letting me down-The anxiety attacks I experienced afterwards-The fears I had/have about having any more children and having it happen again-Tips on what to say and what NOT to say if a friend or loved one has gone through a miscarriage   I hope you tune in. I wish this is a topic that more people openly talked about.  For me, knowing I wasn’t alone in my experience helped me heal and cope so much.So much love, Natalie