Mom Guilt

Pulling Back the Curtain - A podcast by Natalie Hodson


I have had so many moments through motherhood where I have really screwed up. We all have been there. Today, I talk about the very real "mom guilt" we all struggle with. It's so easy to not show ourselves grace and beat ourselves up over every little thing we do as mothers. But I believe that kids watch what you do more than what you say, habits are caught not taught. My hope for my kids is that they can grow up knowing that their mom wasn't afraid to try, that I chased my dreams and could admit when I screwed up and apologize for it. The more grace I can show myself, the more it teaches my kids that they can show themselves grace. We are all doing the best we can. In this podcast I talk about the amazing week I had as a working single-mom and then came home to a serious "mom guilt" moment.