Secret Prepper

Pulling Back the Curtain - A podcast by Natalie Hodson


Have you ever heard me joke (but I’m not really joking) that I’m a secret prepper?  Like….a doomsday type-prepper lol. Even though I don’t actually think there are any big conspiracies out there or anything like that, I DO see a ton of value in having the skills necessary to take care of yourself if something crazy were to happen.  For example, what if you didn’t have a grocery store you could just run to and get your food? Would you know how to cook things if you didn’t have electricity for a week? Even though the chances are slim of something like that happening, I love learning and having the knowledge and skills that make me feel prepared.In today’s podcast, I share some fun stories about growing up that helped me lean towards this lifestyle, the benefits of growing your own food, what kinds of things you can grow to (for example) reduce fever, get rid of toothache, or how to build a backyard brick oven with bricks if you had no electricity, and then I share my best tips on how to get started if you are interested also.