Sex After Divorce

Pulling Back the Curtain - A podcast by Natalie Hodson


On today's Pulling Back The Curtain podcast, I brought one of my closest friends, Lynn Manning, and we talk all about sex after divorce. When I was going through my own divorce, Lynn was about six months ahead of me in her divorce, and we co-owned a company together at the time where we would live together in a house for 2-3 weeks at a time and film workouts.  I remember having so many questions, things I was SUPER embarrassed to even say out loud, let alone ask anyone else about. During that time Lynn helped talk me through a lot of my worries, insecurities, and just showed me through example that it’s ok to be comfortable talking about sex and your sexuality.  So, in this podcast episode, we basically revisit all those old questions and worries and talk about it all! In true “pulling back the curtain” fashion nothing got left off the table. I hope you enjoy it! So much love, Natalie