The Secret to Getting "Unstuck" and Re-Writing Your Story

Pulling Back the Curtain - A podcast by Natalie Hodson


Want to know my secret for getting “unstuck” and re-writing your story? 🙋🏼‍♀️This is the time of year where I see everyone posting about their 2020 resolutions, their “word” for the year, and the changes they want to make.  I think it’s great to dream big and have big ideas….but only if you have the tools to actually make that happen. I recorded a new podcast today where I teach you guys my one simple trick that I’ve used for the last 15 years to actually make changes that stick.It’s a simple concept, but it works so well and it’s the exact same process I still use to this day.All you need is an inexpensive whiteboard you can get for less than $10 and the courage to try something that might feel a little out of your comfort zone.This “microgoals” process that I use is what has helped me build confidence.  It’s taught me that I can say I’m going to do something and then actually do it.  And it’s what gives me the momentum to stick with things.I hope you’ll listen and check it out!  This concept is also something I teach in my 21 Day Challenge which is starting in just a few days.  You should join us! My big promise is that you will have at least one life-altering breakthrough by the end of the 21 days.  You’ll learn the tools you need to get “un-stuck” and re-write you story. 👉🏻 for more info.So much love, Natalie