Ep 21 – Jason Goldberg – Breaking Out of Prison and Finding Joy

Purpose Up Podcast: Purpose | Inspiration | Leadership | Service - A podcast by Ben Stein: Blogger, Coach and Inspiration Seeker

Jason Goldberg (JG) is a funny and fun loving author, speaker and entrepreneur who helps people find more joy to become more effective in life and business. He has overcome corporate shackles, inability to manage his anger and even the bank shutting his credit card down for too many fast food orders in a 24 hour period. Jason relays his journey from a 332 lb. miserable IT executive carrying around anger, depression and sadness to his “prison break,” releasing those self limiting feelings, providing the platform for his mental, physical and entrepreneurial transformation. Click here for a free copy of Jason’s Book Prison Break. Episode Highlights Include: * How he used to explode at people with anger * Jason’s keys to transformation * An ex calling him out on not being able to control his emotions * Letting go of his old his mantra – “That’s Just the Way I Am” * The book “Reinventing Yourself” by Steve Chandler to understand the power of experiencing your own world * Highlights from his book Prison Break * This distinction from being a prisoner of circumstance to vs. being a self leader, so you can experience your own interpretation of events * Understand your thinking is coming from experience, so at any moment you can change your life * It’s a moment by moment choice * How do you get people over self-limiting beliefs? * No more overcoming things, if you’re overcoming things then it’s outside of you * You need to live a less serious life, and stop being so attached to your preferences being met * If you have to overcome things they become significant * If beating yourself up worked, it would have worked by now * Brittney moment – you should be doing more – “Oops I did it again,” and have fun catching yourself in your old patterns * The power of ruthless prioritization, and the power of pushing off low yield activities * What’s wrong with word priority being plural * What is Playfulness? * Passionate about bringing a spirit of play to what you do * The self leader brings the feeling to the task * Creativity is greater than circumstance * Practice Gratitude Bio What does an award-winning entrepreneur, a TEDx Speaker, a bacon-atarian (thats a vegetarian who still eats bacon),a funky sock lover, a former rapper (who opened for the Wu-Tang Clan -YES, really!) and a previously 332lb man (who has since lost over 130lbs despite his affinity for bacon)have in common? They are all the same guy! Jason Goldberg (JG for short) is the King of Playful Sales, Success and Self-Leadership. He is a geek, turned entrepreneur, international speaker, Edu-tainer, creator of the 8-week, life-changing, joy-creating, business-transforming “Playful Prosperity”Program and author of the #1 International Best-Seller on SELF-Leadership: “Prison Break: Vanquish the Victim, Own Your Obstacles, and Lead Your Life.” After spending nearly 15 years in technology, followed by co-founding an award-winning executive transportation company and then serving as CEO of a technology commercialization firm in partnership with NASA, JG decided that there was something more he could be doing to make an impact in people’s lives and businesses with his experience, his wit and his ability to simplify complex topics.He now blends his love of personal growth, comedy (and even rap music), with his speaking, training and workshops to help people open their minds, transform their lives, grow their businesses and pee their pants from lau...