Episode 4: Fanfiction and Literature

Queer Geek Cast - A podcast by Queer Geek Cast


Summary: I have a chat with Geekiary co-admin Jamie about LGBTQ+ themes in both fanfiction and commercial literature, the evolution of the literature industry, and how the media we consume has impacted understanding our own sexualities. Relevant Links: “Seven Tears at High Tide” by CB Lee is a Bisexual Summer Romance for my Inner Teen (http://thegeekiary.com/seven-tears-at-high-tide-by-c-b-lee-is-a-bisexual-summer-romance-for-my-inner-teen/27514) I’m Sorry “The 100,” We Have to Break Up Now (http://thegeekiary.com/im-sorry-100-break-now/30950) Book Review: The Pearl Thief (http://thegeekiary.com/the-pearl-thief-review/43735) #WeNeedDiverseBooks Wattpad Recommendations (http://thegeekiary.com/geekiarys-weneedmorediversebooks-wattpad-recommendations/26801) LGBTQ+ Book Recommendations (http://thegeekiary.com/lgbtq-book-recommendations/35509) Tillie Walden on Her Process, Coming Out, and Yuri on Ice (http://thegeekiary.com/tillie-walden-interview/44264)