Summary of Talent Is Overrated by Geoff Colvin | Free Audiobook
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“It turns out that our knowledge of great performance, like our knowledge of everything else, has actually advanced quite a bit in the past couple of millennia. Scientists began turning their attention to it in a big way about 150 years ago, but what’s most important is the growing mountain of research that has accumulated in just the past 30 years. These hundreds of research projects have converged on some major conclusions that directly contradict most of what we all think we know about great performance.” Talent Is Overrated deals, at its core, with the question of what’s more important, talent or skill. Talent being defined as the natural ability you are born with, whereas skill is something you learn through time and practice. Do you want more free audiobook summaries like this? Download our app for free at and get access to hundreds of free book and audiobook summaries. DISCLAIMER: This book summary is meant as a preview and not a replacement for the original book. If you like this summary please consider purchasing the original book to get the full experience as the original author intended it to be. If you are the original author of any book on QuickRead and would like us to remove it, please contact us at [email protected]