$50K of Anxiety with Pabel Martinez
¿Quién Tú Eres? - A podcast by Plurawl

Do your bowel movements change when you have anxiety? Pabel's been struggling with anxiety since launching the Kickstarter for Plurawl last week (click here to support). Don't ask Pabel "How are you?". Instead, ask Pabel..."When's the last time you went to the bathroom?"...because that will tell you all about how his anxiety is doing. When he's REALLY anxious...his bowel movements will shut down and it may even be a few days without #2. Yes. This may be TMI, but it's also the perfect illustration of how the mind impacts the body. Mental health impacts your physical health. Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://feeds.megaphone.fm/SCOSR3144394743