There Are No Poor People in America! 02/06/16

Rabbi Daniel Lapin - A podcast by Blaze Podcast Network

What! How dare you? No poor people in America? Are you stark, staring bonkers? Not only do you lack all compassion, but you are you a strange excuse for a rabbi. Doesn’t your faith command you to care for the poor? How dare you deny their existence! You’re such an ignoramus, you don’t you even know that over 30 million Americans live below the poverty line. I suppose you think it’s their fault. That’s called blaming the victim you heartless human being. You probably don’t even know that inequality is America’s biggest problem after climate change. Are you trying to say that poverty is not a problem for American blacks? That’s it! I’m turning off and never listening to you again. (I thought I’d save you the trouble of writing all the above to me-there! It’s all written already. Just copy and paste) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit