982: Friday Q&A: Learning Spanish, Financial Windfalls, Tax Preparers, Paperless Finances, Podcasts vs. Books, Effeminate Men at Church

Radical Personal Finance - A podcast by Joshua Sheats


On today's Q&A show we discuss: 1:51 What are the first three resources I should use to learn spanish 12:32 How should I transfer my money into the USA? 16:32 What do I do with an unexpected windfall? 20:48 How do I find a good tax preparer for my real estate business? 30:45 Should I sell my old rental house tax free or keep it? 42:44 I want to become a financial minimalist. How do I streamline things? 52:14 Should I listen to podcasts or audio books? 1:00:58 Should I switch to a paperless household and financial system? 1:16:25 What documents should I carry while traveling and how should I carry them? 1:25:09 Why are the men in Christian churches so effeminate and uninspiring? Enjoy! Joshua To join me next week, join us at https://patreon.com/radicalpersonalfinance  Come to my Investment Tour of Panama in January: https://expatmoney.com/radical