92 Up in the April hills of mid Wales
Radio Lento podcast - A podcast by Hugh Huddy

Up in the April hills of Wales, beside an empty road. Behind the brambles, down a dell, a stream, over bare stone rolls. What sing you mistle thrush? The inbetween of holly trees, is lit by morning sun. In the field beyond the birches, a thirsty sheep dog runs. Green beach, open sky, scattered lines of sheep shells. Run run, you thirsty dog, the world's your oyster. What sing you mistle thrush? First car of the day, chases emptiness away.Then another in its wake, lest it dare to stay.Their bow waves press the brambles in. Their tyres peel gently by. Their wind sends the dry straw up. It spins. Floats. Then settles down, upon the asphalt, in jumble writing. Sing, sing, you mistle thrush. Sing your mottled, scuttled, song. ----------------------------------------------------------------This is part of an overnight recording we made in early spring 2019, up in the hills above Kerry, mid Wales. We first thought it featured a spring blackbird, but now know it is a mistle thrush. Chif chaf, wrens, a juddering pheasant, great tits, rooks and wood pigeons can also be heard.