JUST LIFE - Fiorella de Maria - Courage Under Fire: Fr Willie Doyle SJ, Priest and Hero of the First World War

Radio Maria England - A podcast by Radio Maria England

We're delighted to welcome back to Radio Maria author Fiorella de Maria. Today she talks to us about her new book Courage Under Fire: Father Willie Doyle SJ, Priest and Hero of the First World War bringing to life for us a lesser known figure of tremendous courage and holiness. Fiorella lives in leafy Surrey in the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton. As well as being an author, she is a mother of four. JUST LIFE is a programme that encompasses a wide range of everyday topics, broadcasting live on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, rebroadcast 10pm, and Saturday 11am and 8pm. If you enjoyed this programme, please consider making a one off or monthly donation to Radio Maria. It is only through the generous support of our listeners that we are able to be a Christian voice by your side. www.radiomariaengland.uk