THE BARDCAST - B Side of #21. Joanna Dobson on Siberian Rock Art

Radio Maria England - A podcast by Radio Maria England

In this special guest episode we are taken into the unusual pilgrimage of Joanna Dobson who was inspired by the ancient Rock Art of an ancient indigenous people in Siberia and journeyed to Russian Orthodoxy. We explore how symbols in art that we experience and also echo in our own work can become powerful invitations into the depths. She is an artist, interpreter and writing coach focussing on pilgrimage. THE BARDCAST airs live and can be listened to on or digital radio in London, Bristol, South Birmingham and Cambridge at 3:15pm after the Divine Mercy Chaplet on Sundays and 8pm on Fridays. Each week Sarah de Nordwall reflects on poems that have been sent in, shares a poem of her own, leaves us with a theme and a writing prompt and sends us off to write something ourselves.  Please send your submissions to [email protected] and the rest of the podcasts can be found on Radio Maria Englan’s website.