3: Coming In, Coming Out (with Pat James)

Railway Mania - A podcast by Railway Mania

Episode 3 of Railway Mania features an interview with Pat James, who came in to the hobby as an adult without having had a model railway as a child. The second half focuses on the challenge of coming out to your friends and family as a railway enthusiast, and why some people find it hard to do so.   Anorak Rating: 2/5    RAILWAY MANIA is a podcast covering everything to do with trains and railways. Each episode, Corwin takes you on a bite-sized journey through many topics and tales of the Iron Road, including everything railway modelling to railway history, interviews with fellow enthusiasts and experts. Pop the kettle on and let's talk about trains! Artwork for this episode was made by Pat James himself. Thank you, Pat! See more of Pat's work here: https://www.instagram.com/pats.ng.work_bench/