122: What is POTS and When Is It an Emergency? With Guest Dr. Alexis Cutchins
Rapid Response RN - A podcast by Sarah Lorenzini - Fridays

Behind every POTS diagnosis is a patient who had to fight for answers. Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is often misdiagnosed because its symptoms mimic so many other conditions. In fact, it is often dismissed as “just anxiety”, but anxiety is a secondary side effect of the fact that the patient keeps having syncopal episodes without explanation.To dig deeper into its diagnosis and treatment challenges, Sarah turned to Dr. Alexis Cutchins, cardiologist and co-author of a key article on the management of POTS. In this episode, Dr. Cutchins breaks down the symptoms, possible causes and contributing factors of this complex and misunderstood disorder. She also explores treatment strategies and new research that could improve patient outcomes.Tune in to hear Dr. Cutchins’ insights into how healthcare professionals can better recognize POTS and advocate for patients!Topics discussed in this episode:What is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)?Causes and contributing factors of POTSCommon symptoms of POTSDiagnostic tests and diagnostic challengesThe treatment process and effective strategiesNew developments in POTS researchTreating POTS in an emergency situationHow to better manage and advocate for patientsRead Dr. Cutchins' article, Narrative Review of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome: Associated Conditions and Management Strategies: https://www.uscjournal.com/articles/narrative-review-postural-orthostatic-tachycardia-syndrome-associated-conditions-andPOTS patients can find more information and resources here:https://www.dysautonomiainternational.org/Print this guide to plan for POTS emergencies with your physician!https://supertmastcell.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/SuperT-PatientReferenceGuide-2024.pdfMentioned in this episode:Rapid Response Academy LinkWanna check out Rapid Response Academy: The Heart and Science of Caring for the Sick? click this link to learn more: https://www.rapidresponseandrescue.com/communityCONNECT 📸 Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therapidresponsern/ 🫶 Check out my membership: https://www.rapidresponseandrescue.com/community 📚 Check out my course: https://www.rapidresponseandrescue.com/learnmore 🧑💻Check out my website: https://www.rapidresponseandrescue.com/ 📬 Subscribe to my newsletter: https://www.rapidresponseandrescue.com/login 🎁 Affiliation and discounts: https://hoo.be/therapidresponsern ✅ Earn CE’s for listening to podcasts through RNegade: https://rnegade.thinkific.com/?ref=d9d541 SAY THANKS 💜Leave a review on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/rapid-response-rn/id1535997752 💚Leave a rating on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/55LQqeDg6XFeixvZLEp4xE ⏱️ To get the FREE Rapid Response RN Assessment Guide and the coupon code for $10 off the cost of the course, message Sarah on Instagram @TheRapidResponseRN and type the word PODCAST! This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com