Stacey Forrester on Drugs, Harm Reduction and The Future of Festivals
Rave to the Grave - A podcast by Vivian Host

Stacey Forrester, head of harm reduction at British Columbia's Bass Coast Festival and founder of Good Night Out Vancouver, joins us for a frank and fun chat about something we don't talk about enough in the rave scene: drugs and drug safety. We learn about harm reduction and community, how they use diamonds for drug testing, the best way to talk someone down, what chemicals to look out for, how Western Canada became the forefront of North American drug policy and how a nurse-ballerina turned into your favorite rave fairy godmother, among other things. Taped live at Bass Coast Festival in Merritt BC! Hosted by Vivian Host (aka DJ Star Eyes). For more info and extras, visit or Instagram @ravetothe.grave.