Simon Hodgkinson, former CISO at BP: If Security Isn't Working For The People, Then It's Not Working At All

RE: Human Layer Security - A podcast by Tessian


How do you change the cybersecurity behaviours of thousands of employees at enterprise-scale? Tessian's CEO Tim Sadler speaks to Simon Hodgkinson, the former CISO at BP to find out. With over 35 years experience in the IT and security field, Simon shares his opinions on why security must be a seamless experience for employees if it's going to work, arguing that if you can allow people to get their jobs done securely without them actually seeing the security, then that's a fantastic outcome. He and Tim also discuss how and why the CISO has a harder job on their hands, compared to 30 years ago, and how to overcome challenges such as reporting risk to the board. It's a must-listen for any security professional. And if you want more Human Layer Security  insights, head over to the Tessian blog and you can also subscribe to the Tessian newsletter to stay up to date with all our Human Layer Security news.