Transitioning a React Codebase from JSX to TypeScript ft. Priscila Oliveira and Mark Story - RRU 274

React Round Up - A podcast by Charles M Wood

Priscila Oliveira and Mark Story join the panel to discuss the recent transition at Sentry from vanilla JavaScript to React and TypeScript.The show starts out with the panelists nerding out over Sentry and how they use it, then they dive into the code transition and the things that they learned from their conversion to TypeScript.LinksSlow and Steady: Converting Sentry’s Entire Frontend to TypeScriptTwitter: Sentry ( @getsentry )Twitter: Mark Story ( @mark_story )Twitter: Priscila Oliveira ( @priscilawebdev )PicksJack- Power of saying "No"Mark- GitHub | neovim/nvim-lspconfigMark- GitHub | glepnir/lspsaga.nvimPriscila - GitHub | clauderic/dnd-kitTJ- DivvyBecome a supporter of this podcast: