8 Am I the Asshole Reddit Stories: I Made My Daughter Cry in Public | Reading Wild Reddit Stories
Reading Wild Reddit Stories With Sarby - A podcast by Sarby
Read 8 Wild Am I the A-hole Reddit Stories with me that will make your jaw drop such as a "AITA for making my daughter cry at a restaurant?" Check out my Previous Reading Reddit video: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4ILPWJ8LtN4sgxPVwyTrzp?si=71ae0010b3694413 follow me on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/bysarby join my discord: https://discord.gg/EqnBEhNxk6 follow my on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bensarbacker/ follow me on tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sarby_?lang=en add me on snapchat: https://snapchat.com/t/PkZtRFRW #sarby Chapters 00:00 Welcome to a Reading and Judging r/AITA video 00:29 AITA for making my daughter cry at a restaurant? 05:29 AITA for not letting my son's boyfriend come on vacation with us unless he pays his own way even though I'm paying for everyone else? 07:27 WIBTA for telling my half sister’s new family that she kind of assumed my identity? 11:07 AITA for eating my (32m) gf (36f) left over food after a long day? 13:14 AITA for putting a lock on my dresser drawer to keep my girlfriend from taking my clothes? 17:47 AITA for cursing out my husband after finding out he lied about our sons illness? 19:31 UPDATE: AITA for cursing out my husband after finding out he lied about our sons illness? 21:01 WIBTA If I don't change my son's name even though it may cause him to lose an inheritance? 24:14 AITA for telling my 19yo daughter that she’ll pay the plumbing bill - if required - for continuing to flush her tampons in our house?