RA037: Bill Vanderburgh on Misinterpretations of Hume’s Of Miracles
Real Atheology - A podcast by Justin Schieber, Ben Watkins, Ben Bavar, Ryan Downie - Sundays

As a follow up to the last episode which gave a general overview of Hume's famous essay, Ben Watkins interviews philosopher Dr. Bill Vanderburgh on his 2019 book David Hume on Miracles, Evidence, and Probability. The conversation explores some of the reasons the text is often misinterpreted. The importance of placing Hume in his historical context is emphasized in response to common objections. Get Dr. Vandenburgh's excellent book here: https://www.amazon.com/David-Hume-Miracles-Evidence-Probability-ebook/dp/B07PV79RRL/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3UDWN1IY3TMUE&keywords=vanderburgh+hume+miracles&qid=1682108975&sprefix=vanderburgh+hume+miracle%2Caps%2C341&sr=8-1