Episode 2413 CWSA 03/14/24

Real Coffee with Scott Adams - A podcast by Scott Adams

My new book Reframe Your Brain, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/3bwr9fm8 Find my "extra" content on Locals: https://ScottAdams.Locals.com Content: Politics, Burglary Crew Drones, Canadian Speech Crimes, No Haiti Cannibals, Just Be Yourself, Inner Dialog, Don Lemon, AI Farming, Cognition AI, ChatGPT Robot Voice, Gender Pay Gap Hoax, White Male Discrimination, TikTok Ban Motivations, Vivek Ramaswamy, Rogue Prosecutors, Scott Adams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you would like to enjoy this same content plus bonus content from Scott Adams, including micro-lessons on lots of useful topics to build your talent stack, please see scottadams.locals.com for full access to that secret treasure.