969: Doing Million-Dollar Deals as a College Student - Realtor Andres Bustamante

Real Estate Rockstars Podcast - A podcast by Aaron Amuchastegui


Thanks to real estate, Andres Bustamante paid his way through college and then some. While he started as a humble leasing agent, he managed to close a million-dollar deal before graduating. On today’s Real Estate Rockstars, we dig deep on Andres’ real estate journey, discussing the steps he took to win high-dollar deals as a young agent. Andres also shares what it was like finding rentals for fellow students and how this part-time hustle made him a cool $50k per year. Visit hibandigital.com/toolbox Claim Real Estate Discounts, Free Trials, and More Visit hibandigital.com/resources Sponsors Rebus University - Get Over $10,000 in Real Estate Training for as Little as $97 Visit futureofrealestatetraining.com PadHawk - Find Your Market's Best Leads for FREE with a 7-Day Trial Visit padhawk.com Roddy's FLS - Discover Unbeatable Real Estate Deals with a FREE Foreclosure List Visit 4closure.info