Disturbing a Grave | Real Ghost Stories Online 🦇 EXTRA

Real Ghost Stories Online - A podcast by Real Ghost Stories Online | Paranormal, Supernatural & Horror Radio

Growing up on a Greek island, the storyteller recounts a dare that took them into an abandoned graveyard where they disturbed a grave and took part of a human pelvis as proof. What followed was a nightmarish series of events that would haunt them for years. From eerie dreams to a family intervention involving a priest, the consequences of disturbing the dead were far more than just a teenage prank. If you have a real ghost story or supernatural event to report, please write into our show at http://www.realghoststoriesonline.com/ or call 1-855-853-4802! Want AD-FREE & ADVANCE RELEASE EPISODES? Become a Premium Subscriber Through Apple Podcasts now!!! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/real-ghost-stories-online/id880791662?mt=2&uo=4&ls=1 Or Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/realghoststories Or Our Website: http://www.ghostpodcast.com/?page_id=118