Rushing To “Feel Better”

REAL, RAW, RELATABLE - A podcast by Kat John - Sundays


I'm watching my ego as it tries to "make things better" as I currently experience the emotion of sadness and feeling of anxiety. The sadness is linked to my Pop being palliative and the anxiety is linked to family tension and dynamics. Both situations are linked to uncertainty. How long do we have Pop for? How long will the family dynamics be tense? To try and ease the discomfort in not knowing, my ego is looking to feel better, faster. This means skipping over how I currently feel which will eventually lead to being overcome with feelings it's trying to run away from and appease. Today's podcast shares how I am being WITH sadness and anxiety, rather than rushing to feel better or being swamped by the feelings. A fine dance, that's for sure.UPCOMING LIVE EVENTSSunday Meds - Get your tickets here! Sunday November 13th! JOIN TAKE YOUR MEDSTake Your Meds Membership - A 15-minute PHONE CHATIf you are feeling the nudge to work with me and join one of my coaching programs, speak at your workplace or high-school, or collaborate, make a time to chat with me.Support the show