Trusting In The Work You’ve Done On Yourself

REAL, RAW, RELATABLE - A podcast by Kat John - Sundays


There comes a time where the solo work we do to unravel, peel and strip back our lives, patterns and thinking comes to a natural end. A time where we are called to come out of our sacred cocoon and ‘play’ with life and others with our new found perspective and next layer of authentic self intact.Your ego can resist this, pushing life and others away which stems from a lack of trust in who you are. It’ll sell you stories that you might “lose yourself again” and keep up an invisible wall, blocking out love, opportunities and the chance to test your new found self in the world.After years of pleasing everyone but myself, I journeyed hard into coming back to myself. I too feared letting people in because, “what if I stop meditating? What if I stop working out? What if I lose connection to spirit?” This way of thinking kept me isolated way longer than necessary and it all came down to not trusting that I had myself.This resistance is a normal response, one to acknowledge, sit with and respect. But also one to not let fool you into not believing that you can indeed have love with another AND honour yourself.UPCOMING EVENTSSunday Meds -  30th July, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!ZEROFKS Dance Party - 22nd August, Melbourne, Australia. Book here!WORK WITH ME 1:1 - Coach with Kat.As of July 31st '23, I have space to work with x6 clients who are seeking to do the work in the area of authenticity. SUBSCRIBE TO MY MEDITATION MEMBERSHIP - TAKE YOUR MEDS - Take Your Meds Meditation Membership - Join now.Support the show