Episode 29: Let's Delve Into The Taboo Series!
Real Talk, Real Muslims - A podcast by Roann & Rund

In this episode, we will briefly talk about why we decided to create the taboo series and what you all can expect from us during this time. As you all may know, we started this podcast with the goal to discuss the good, the bad, & the ugly of life as a young Muslim today. We started this podcast to create a platform for young Muslims, somewhere where they feel heard & represented. So far, we have spoken about so many topics in relation to the life of a young Muslim; however, in order to continue to fulfill the purpose of this podcast, we want to dedicate more time to those topics that are considered shameful and stigmatized in our communities. Tune in to this episode & share it with your family & friends! Get pumped, peeps! It's about to get REAL!