18: Real Talking Tips - Add Tempo Changes - Vary Your Sentence Structure

Real Talking Tips with Elaine A. Clark - A podcast by Elaine A. Clark


Listeners Need Time to Process What You’re Saying. Words can be meaningless or powerful depending on how the message is presented. Hi, I’m Elaine Clark with Real Talking Tips offering practical advice on how to effectively get your message across and speak like a pro. Communication is a Powerful Tool if you’re in sales, making a presentation, hosting a podcast, being interviewed, recording a voiceover script, or talking to friends. You can always find ways to improve the way you speak, connect with your audience, and sound real and believable. There are three sections format and structure of the message: Set-Up, Body, and Resolve. SET-UP - establishes the problem. BODY - acknowledges the problem and offers solutions. RESOLVE - summaries the benefits and suggests that the audience take action. That action can be to go into a store, look at a website, purchase or sell something, tell a friend, explore other options, calm down, travel, accept changes, or a whole array of other choices. The Power of Silence! Silences are necessary for the audience to absorb and process what was just said. Those brief silences are necessary in order to change the breath and shift emotions during the transitions between each of the three speaking segments: Set-Up, Body, and Resolve. When the emotional shift of silence occurs, the body has a chance to connect with the message on a deeper level The Format and Structure of Transitions provide an Arc of the Story. Practice the physicality and speaking tips, and visit the website: elaineclarkvo.com/podcast to read more about each speech communication topic. Please take a moment to add a comment. I love hearing from you! #ElaineClarkVO #Communication #PowerOfSilence #VoiceOver #VO #Podcasts #Business #Speech #TalkingTips #There'sMoneyWhereYourMouthIs #Voice-OversForPodcasting #ActivateYourVoice #AddingMelodyToYourVoice #Presentations #Reporting #Interviews #SpeakLikeAPro