035 Predicting Future Threats With Machine Learning
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In this episode, we take a closer look at some of the specifics of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and how cybersecurity professionals can benefit from including these tools in their threat intelligence arsenals. We’ll discuss clustering, natural language processing or NLP, and supervised learning, and we’ll find out why combining the talents of humans with the speed and analytical capabilities of computers, the so-called digital centaurs, could provide even more powerful solutions in the future. Joining us are two experts in machine learning. Christopher Sestito is manager of threat intelligence at Cylance, a company that’s all-in when it comes to AI technology, and Staffan Truvé, co-founder and chief technology officer at Recorded Future. 4 Ways Machine Learning Is Powering Smarter Threat Intelligence By Staffan Truvé https://go.recordedfuture.com/machine-learning