Am I WRONG for declining to sit at the CHILDREN’S SECTION during my IN-LAW’S wedding celebration?"

Reddit Stories - A podcast by RedditKing - Mondays

#redditstories #askreddit #aita #weddingdrama #familyconflict #inlawissues #awkwardsituation #boundaries Summary:At my in-law’s wedding celebration, I was assigned to sit at the children’s section. Feeling out of place and disrespected, I declined the seat, causing tension with the family. Am I wrong for standing my ground, or was this an unreasonable seating arrangement? Tags:redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, weddingconflict, inlawdrama, awkwardfamilymoment, seatingarrangement, familytension, personalboundaries, socialawkwardness, weddingetiquette, respectingboundaries, difficultfamilydynamics, uncomfortablemoments, familydisagreement, relationshipconflict, weddingdrama, assertingyourself, emotionalconflictBecome a supporter of this podcast: