MY GIRLFRIEND Has a SPREADSHEET Tracking Every SPIDER in Her Apartment—And It’s Getting Weird.

Reddit Stories - A podcast by RedditKing

#redditstories #askreddit #aita #weirdhabits #spreadsheets #creepy #relationshipproblems #funny Summary: A guy discovers that his girlfriend meticulously tracks every spider in her apartment using a spreadsheet. She records details like size, location, and behavior. While she insists it’s harmless, he finds it increasingly unsettling. Is this a quirky hobby or a sign of deeper issues? Tags: redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, weirdhabits, creepyrelationship, spidertracking, girlfriendobsession, unusualhobby, spreadsheetlover, oddbehavior, arachnophilia, quirkygf, spiderjournal, trackingbugs, relationshipredflag, oddhabit, spreadsheetobsession, weirdrelationshipsBecome a supporter of this podcast: