My HUSBAND seems more OBSESSED with his PHONE than he is with ME.
Reddit Stories - A podcast by RedditKing - Mondays

#redditstories #askreddit #aita #relationshipissues #emotionalneglect #phoneaddiction #marriagetrouble #feelingignored Summary: Lately, my husband seems more obsessed with his phone than with me. I feel invisible, as if I’ve taken a backseat to whatever’s on that screen. It’s heartbreaking to compete with a device for his attention, leaving me wondering how to reconnect before it’s too late. Tags: redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, relationshipissues, phoneaddiction, emotionalneglect, feelingignored, marriagetrouble, trustissues, communicationproblems, relationshipadvice, storytime, emotionalhurt, lackofattention, marriageconflict, disconnectinglove, heartbreakingstory, emotionaldamage, seekingconnectionBecome a supporter of this podcast: