My RICH boyfriend insisted he’d only MARRY me if I signed a PRENUP.
Reddit Stories - A podcast by RedditKing

#redditstories #askreddit #aita #relationshipadvice #prenup #richboyfriend #marriageissues #moneyandlove Summary: My wealthy boyfriend insisted on a prenup before marriage, claiming it was just a formality. I felt hurt and questioned his trust in me. When I suggested adjustments to make it fair, he refused. Now, I'm wondering if love should come with conditions or if this is a red flag. Tags: redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, relationshipadvice, prenupdrama, richboyfriend, marriageproblems, trustissues, financialdisputes, loveandmoney, redflagalert, marriageultimatum, prenupnegotiation, moneyinmarriage, wealthandlove, commitmentissues, breakupdilemma, weddingdramaBecome a supporter of this podcast: