Episode 6: Refuse & Refuge
Redefining You - A podcast by Brittany Wright and Noel Lawhorn
Uncover your true self and find your sense of purpose and worth! Tune in to Episode 6 of Redefining You as we explore the importance of setting boundaries and discovering a safe space of refuge. Get inspired and start your healing journey today! Follow & stay connected with your favorite hosts on social media: IG: https://www.instagram.com/redefiningyoupod/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/redefiningyoupod/ Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@redefiningyoupod/featured Brittany: https://www.instagram.com/bee_theceo/ Noel: https://www.instagram.com/shownsellwithnoel/ Watch full episodes on Youtube HERE Special thanks to Focus One Media. #reroutingyourthoughts #changingperspective #affirmations #safespace #inspiring #encouraging #intentionalliving #redefiningyoupodcast #episodethree #getcomfortable #Iammatter #emotions #happy #sad #excited #currentlyfeel #joyous #loved #givinglove #peace #playingemotions #narrativetherapy #counseling #destructivebehaviors #selfcontrol #therapyterms #pasttrauma #childhood #values #skills #unlockpower #fullpotential #affirmyourself #identifyemotion #triggered #detach #identity #example #rejection #selfworth #destructivepatterns #accountability #struggle #human #acceptance #defaultplace #journaling #truth #notenough #relationships #friendships #team #feeling #behavior #personalgrowth