What The United States vs. Billie Holiday Didn't Tell You

Reel Hollywoodland - A podcast by Reel Hollywoodland


This episode is not a review, but more of a companion video to The United States vs. Billie Holiday, starring Andra Day.  We talk about the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, why they chose to target Billie Holiday, and how it impacts society today.    BILLIE HOLIDAY VIDEOS TO WATCH:   Billie Holiday: The Lady That Sang The Blues https://youtu.be/DnMJdljGoHU   Top 10 Things The United States vs. Billie Holiday Got Factually Right & Wrong https://youtu.be/0tyU4QAzXl0   Billie Holiday Singing Strange Fruit https://youtu.be/-DGY9HvChXk   The United States vs. Billie Holiday Trailer  https://youtu.be/S5kZY80E_0M  Andra Day on The Drew Barrymore Show  https://youtu.be/FKqUVxl6juA    FOLLOW: Instagram: httsp://instagram.com/reelhollywoodland  Twitter: https://twitter.com/RHollywoodlandl   #billieholiday #oscars #andraday