Ruling Elders and General Assembly
Reformed Forum - A podcast by Reformed Forum

Podcast worlds collide! Today we welcome Brad Isbell, perhaps even better known as Chortles Weakly, to the program to discuss ruling elders and general assemblies within Presbyterianism. Along with @wresbyterian, Brad hosts Presbycast, a delightful mix of high Presbyterian polity and low brow culture. Listen as we discuss the organization and operation of the PCA General Assembly, comparisons with other Presbyterian and Reformed bodies—most specifically the OPC, and what it means to take seriously the office of ruling elder. Links More in the PCA Todd Pruitt, “Doctrinal Latitude and the PCA” at Reformation21 J. Gresham Machen, “The Purpose of the Covenant Union,” The Presbyterian Guardian, November 18, 1935, p. 54.