Tony Wolf: Art and Pushing Back Against Fascism

Refuse Fascism - A podcast by Refuse Fascism - Mondays

Sam Goldman interviews Tony Wolf, actor and artist (view his diverse resume at about fascism, culture, and cultivating a variety of forms of pushback against the fascists. His comic essay “Where is Evil?” can be seen at where he writes, “I sought to share my personal reflections as I grappled with how to process the acts of the Trump administration and the GOP / conservative supporters who have backed this utterly vile man.” Follow him on Twitter at @tonywolfness. Right now: help organize for mobilizations this spring to demand abortion rights at Refuse Fascism is more than just a podcast! You can get involved at Send  your comments to [email protected] or @SamBGoldman. Or leave a voicemail at 917-426-7582. Connect with the movement at and support: Venmo: @Refuse-Fascism Cashapp: @RefuseFascism Music for this episode: Penny the Snitch by Ikebe Shakedown.