THE DENIAL OF DEATH - This video will CHANGE Your Life!
The Clark Kegley Podcast - A podcast by Clark Kegley - Refusing to Settle

Ready to create your own POWERFUL Morning Ritual? Join the Morning Ritual Secrets program and do these "weird" things first thing in the morning to change your life forever in under 7-Days: ➡ Follow Me On Instagram: ➡ @clarkkegley #THEDENIALOFDEATH #ERNESTBECKER #REFUSINGTOSETTLE So I'm well aware that after a week of absence doing a video titled the denial of death, you might be thinking Clark is everything okay? Are you good? And I'm okay guys. I'm just behind the scenes working on a new course. So things have been a little quiet recently but I spend every morning for the first hour reading a book, one book that I've been reading that I want to share an idea with from cause it's the cornerstone for how you go about life and how you think of everything is this book right here. It's a, you know, it's an inspiring read. It's called the denial of death. And it talks about two central ideas that you need to know. Cause again, these control, every single thing we do in life, human beings are the only animal capable of realizing that we're going to die one day. And he calls this the death tear. Animals like your dog, all they're thinking of is where's the next bone coming from? Walk, W A L K. right? Like they don't really think, conceptualize deep thinking enough that they're going to die one day. So we have this death terror and a lot of us that creates a lot of anxiety because Oh my God, time is running out and it develops around the age of, you know, three to five is what he says, and then it really solidifies at nine to 10 once you see people in your own life actually getting pulled away from your dying or not being around, you can't really conceptualize it until that happens. You might've had a pet growing up that died and you couldn't understand it. You're like, what the heck? How is it not here anymore? It was just here yesterday. Refusing to settle, Clark