RT Plus - UK IFPR series: An introduction to UK IFPR and its application to different types of firm

Regulation Tomorrow Podcast - A podcast by NRF Regulation Tomorrow Podcast


The first podcast in our new mini-series focusing on the new UK Investment Firm Prudential Regime (or UK IFPR), brought to you as part of the Regulation Tomorrow podcast, provides an introduction to the UK IFPR and its application to different types of firm – CPMIs, commodities firms, exempt CAD firms and the application to clearing members and indirect clearing members. If you would like to skip ahead to a particular section, please see the timing information below: • General application and categorisation of firms under the new regime – 1.08 • Application to CPMIs – 9.29 • Application to commodities firms – 14.03 • Application to exempt CAD firms – 16.41 • Application to clearing members and indirect clearing members – 19.56