RR Pod E24 P2 Dr. Aaron French - US from the Future? Magic & Technology: Rosicrucians, Steiner, New Age & UFOs

Rejected Religion Podcast - A podcast by Stephanie Shea

In Part 2, Aaron and I look at different related threads that one encounters when delving into this topic; in particular, how Aaron's research ties into a topic that I had talked about last year with regard to the recent documentary-type show called 'Hellier' (specifically with regard to a man named Allen Greenfield). This links to high strangeness such as that seen in the book _The Mothman Prophecies_, but also ritual magick, and occulture at its finest. We try to make some sense out of all of this and ask how it all relates to the original case study of Steiner and Hynek. We then shift our attention to talk about the challenges that a researcher within academia faces when trying to explore topics that are considered 'controversial', as well as the backlash that a researcher might experience from the people being researched.