Worldwork Bonus: Teach for China & team cohesion

Relationship Matters - A podcast by CRR Global - Wednesdays

In this collection of bonus episodes, we’re looking at the concept of Worldwork, which embraces the idea that we are continuously impacting the world, whether we are conscious of it or not. Whilst Worldwork can involve big acts of altruism and community spirit, it always starts with self. Across the course of these 5 bonus episodes, you will be hearing from Worldworkers from across the globe, who have all used ORSC tools in very different ways tools to serve their wider communities.  In this podcast, Katie talks with Yan Zhang about her Worldwork project: Teach for China and Team Cohesion. Teach for China is a non-profit organisation that recruits outstanding Chinese and American college graduates and trains them to serve as full-time teachers in under-resourced Chinese schools. Across the episode, Yan talks about her learnings and insights after working with the operations team at Teach for China, who were looking to build more connection, role clarity and team cohesion.Yan Zhang is a leadership coach and team coach with over 15 years of experience as a senior executive at Fortune 500 and startup companies in China, across financial services, data & information, education, media, e-commerce, and investment banking. Her coaching philosophy is to inspire and empower people and organization with love, she leverages the professional skills of executive coaching, and team coaching to support company executives and entrepreneurs to unleash the power of leadership, and ignite teams to build greater trust, manifest collaborative power, and evoke transformation. The Worldwork Project is a key element in the ORSC certification journey. It allows students to apply the ORSC™ materials in the real world and develop themselves as change agents. At CRR Global we hold all our students as change agents and train them to be conscious of what impact they want to make in their world. We believe that everybody’s impact –whether conscious or unconscious— sends ripples out into the world. It’s up to all of us, as world workers, to keep our communities safe and healthy. For more information about World Work and the ORSC Certification programme click here. We believe Relationship Matters, from humanity to nature, to the larger whole.