#002, Definitions of Religion

Religion Bites - A podcast by Malory Nye


Defining religion: What is it all about and what do we mean by the term religion? Well  one thing to ask before we start exploring this is does it really  matter. Surely we know what religion is, it is just there…? Whether  we like it or not it is everywhere, and as I have been trying to stress  in setting up Religion Bites it is worth accepting that religion is  part of the world in which we live, we can’t ignore it, we need to live  with it around us, and so we are really challenge to try to understand  it a bit better. And that is why it is worth taking just a few minutes to reflect on the idea of what is religion? What is it? The thing we call religion? What  are the meanings we give to the word religion, how do we use it when we  talk about religion? Say in the classroom, in books, or in our daily  lives? If we start off asking this question, it gives us the  chance to try to understand what we are talking about, and also what we  are not talking about